Thursday, June 15, 2023

Morning Bible Study: Job 29:1-6

Job’s Final Claim of Innocence
29:1 Job continued his discourse, saying:
If only I could be as in months gone by,
in the days when God watched over me,
when his lamp shone above my head,
and I walked through darkness by his light!
I would be as I was in the days of my youth
when God’s friendship rested on my tent,
when the Almighty was still with me
and my children were around me,
when my feet were bathed in curds
and the rock poured out streams of oil for me!

(the following is from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1706 -- 

"Job proceeds to contrast his former prosperity with his present misery, through God's withdrawing from him. A gracious soul delights in God's smiles, not in the smiles of this world. 

When the mind is enlightened by the Holy Spirit, when a man walks in the light of God's countenance, every outward comfort is doubled, every trouble is diminished, and he may pass cheerfully by this light through life and through death. Yet the sensible comfort of this state is often withdrawn for a season; and commonly this arises from sinful neglect, and grieving the Holy Spirit: sometimes it may be a trial of a man's faith and grace. But it is needful to examine ourselves, to seek for the cause of such a change by fervent prayer, and to increase our watchfulness."

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