Sunday, May 28, 2023

Morning Bible Study: Job 22:5-14

Isn’t your wickedness abundant
and aren’t your iniquities endless?
For you took collateral from your brothers without cause,
stripping off their clothes and leaving them naked.
You gave no water to the thirsty
and withheld food from the famished,
while the land belonged to a powerful man
and an influential man lived on it.
You sent widows away empty-handed,
and the strength of the fatherless was crushed.
10 Therefore snares surround you,
and sudden dread terrifies you,
11 or darkness, so you cannot see,
and a flood of water covers you.
12 Isn’t God as high as the heavens?
And look at the highest stars—how lofty they are!
13 Yet you say, “What does God know?
Can he judge through total darkness?
14 Clouds veil him so that he cannot see,
as he walks on the circle of the sky.”

(the following is from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1706 --

"Eliphaz brought heavy charges against Job, without reason for his accusations, except that Job was visited as he supposed God always visited every wicked man. He charges him with oppression, and that he did harm with his wealth and power in the time of his prosperity."

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