Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Morning Bible Study: Job 19:1-7

Job’s Reply to Bildad
19:1 Then Job answered:
How long will you torment me
and crush me with words?
You have humiliated me ten times now,
and you mistreat me without shame.
Even if it is true that I have sinned,
my mistake concerns only me.
If you really want to appear superior to me
and would use my disgrace as evidence against me,
then understand that it is God who has wronged me
and caught me in his net.
I cry out, “Violence!” but get no response;
I call for help, but there is no justice.

(the following is from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1706 --

"Job's friends blamed him as a wicked man, because he was so afflicted; here he describes their unkindness, showing that what they condemned was capable of excuse. 

Harsh language from friends, greatly adds to the weight of afflictions: yet it is best not to lay it to heart, lest we harbor resentment. Rather let us look to Him who endured the contradiction of sinners against himself, and was treated with far more cruelty than Job was, or we can be."

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