Friday, May 12, 2023

Morning Bible Study: Job 17:1-9

17:1 My spirit is broken.
My days are extinguished.
A graveyard awaits me.
Surely mockers surround me,
and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion.
Accept my pledge! Put up security for me.
Who else will be my sponsor?
You have closed their minds to understanding,
therefore you will not honor them.
If a man denounces his friends for a price,
the eyes of his children will fail.
He has made me an object of scorn to the people;
I have become a man people spit at.
My eyes have grown dim from grief,
and my whole body has become but a shadow.
The upright are appalled at this,
and the innocent are roused against the godless.
Yet the righteous person will hold to his way,
and the one whose hands are clean will grow stronger.

(the following is from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1706 --
"Job reflects upon the harsh censures his friends had passed upon him, and, looking on himself as a dying man, he appeals to God. Our time is ending. It concerns us carefully to redeem the days of time, and to spend them in getting ready for eternity. We see the good use the righteous should make of Job's afflictions from God, from enemies, and from friends. Instead of being discouraged in the service of God, by the hard usage this faithful servant of God met with, they should be made bold to proceed and persevere therein. 

Those who keep their eye upon heaven as their end, will keep their feet in the paths of religion as their way, whatever difficulties and discouragements they may meet with."

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