Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Morning Bible Study: Job 13:13-22

13 Be quiet, and I will speak.
Let whatever comes happen to me.
14 I will put myself at risk
and take my life in my own hands.
15 Even if he kills me, I will hope in him.
I will still defend my ways before him.
16 Yes, this will result in my deliverance,
for no godless person can appear before him.
17 Pay close attention to my words;
let my declaration ring in your ears.
18 Now then, I have prepared my case;
I know that I am right.
19 Can anyone indict me?
If so, I will be silent and die.
20 Only grant these two things to me, God,
so that I will not have to hide from your presence:
21 remove your hand from me,
and do not let your terror frighten me.
22 Then call, and I will answer,
or I will speak, and you can respond to me.

(the following is from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, 1706 -- www.christianity.com)
"Job resolved to cleave to the testimony his own conscience gave of his uprightness. He depended upon God for justification and salvation, the two great things we hope for through Christ. Temporal salvation he little expected, but of his eternal salvation he was very confident; that God would not only be his Savior to make him happy, but his salvation, in the sight and enjoyment of whom he should be happy. He knew himself not to be a hypocrite, and concluded that he should not be rejected. 

We should be well pleased with God as a Friend, even when he seems against us as an enemy. We must believe that all shall work for good to us, even when all seems to make against us. We must cleave to God, though we cannot for the present find comfort in him. In a dying hour, we must derive from him living comforts; and this is to trust in him, though he slay us."

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